Walk Together Fiercely
Walking Together Fiercely is a fun and bouncy podcast, hosted by Psychic Medium, Michelle Morrison and Naturopathic Doctor, Tara Drummond. Together, they bring forward numerous topics about well being, health, Spirituality and just being human in a diverse, busy and sometimes chaotic world. Celebrating our differences and the things we have in common, all with a sense of humor and compassion. With guest speakers bringing their amazing wisdom and talents forward, we are creating a safe space where we can talk about a variety of topics and learn and grow in positive and empowering ways. Being more in tune within, more intuitive and aware in all areas of life and living the best life you can live. Our intention is to create a beautiful community of amazing souls who want to hold one another up as we all walk our journey with kindness, laughter, compassion, love and joy. We are so glad you are here and we look forward to taking this journey with you!
Walk Together Fiercely
Wrapping Up Season Four: Lessons in Love, Growth, and Community
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Season 4! What a year! Our season began with an epic Coldplay concert and ended with a love filled retreat in Naramata. Today we reflect on an incredible journey filled with heartwarming moments, challenges and transformative experiences. There has been so much growth this past season.
Have you ever considered the idea that the purpose of life's journey is to choose and lean on love, even in the midst of challenges? We dive into the profound message from Spirit, sharing how it has resonated within our community and personal lives. We celebrate the mutual learning and growth we've experienced, expressing gratitude for the joy and wisdom our listeners have brought into our lives.
Discover the transformative power of self-compassion and joy as we explore the benefits of letting go of rigid beliefs and expectations. Learn why setting boundaries and making space for fun is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life. We share heartfelt stories about the privilege and joy of being a home for our children, emphasizing the importance of living authentically and joyfully. Don't miss our invitation to join our vibrant Instagram community for additional insights and interactions. Thank you for walking this journey with us, and we look forward to continuing this beautiful adventure together! Happy, happy summer to you!
We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
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For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond
For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium
Welcome to Walk Together Fiercely. We are just so glad to have you here. We invite and we also thank you for being a part of our community. Thank you for choosing to spend some of your precious time with us. We know how valuable it is. I am Michelle Morrison. I am a medium and an intuitive and I support people to make beautiful spiritual connections with loved ones on the other side, with angels and spirit guides, and I love helping people tune into their own amazing intuition spirit guides. And I love helping people tune into their own amazing intuition.
Speaker 2:I am Dr Tara Drummond and I'm a naturopathic doctor and I'm passionate about empowering people in all aspects of health and well-being. Our intention is to create community and connection. We do that with open hearts, minds and a whole lot of love and laughter. The more we know ourselves, the deeper connection we can have within, which allows us to deepen connections around us.
Speaker 1:We feel so passionately about this. You matter, that you are so important and that you belong, and we are creating and connecting to the hearts and wisdom of our bodies, mind and spirits, nurturing and growing compassion, empathy and community. We know that we are so much better together, and so let's walk together fiercely through this beautiful, sometimes really challenging life as light warriors of love. Together, with open minds and hearts, we can create a community where we celebrate, play and thrive. Thank you for being here. Welcome back, play and thrive. Thank you for being here. Welcome back, hello. We're so happy to have you here with us today and um tara and I are sitting here. We just pressed record while we're talking. Our editor, sammy, can attest because she's listening to our babble, but we are having. This is we're wrapping up. We're taking a break for the summer, tara, and I cannot believe that we have walked through another season together. Like it's gone so quickly is what I mean it has gone quick.
Speaker 2:And I remember back to the start of season four that I talked about the number four being like it. To me it's the heart. Like there's four chambers in the heart. The heart starts beating at four weeks in utero. Like four. It's just always been a favorite number of mine, yeah. So as we went into season four, I'm like this one's gonna have a lot of heart, and now, as we wrap it up, it's touching my heart. Yeah, uh, because we can see the like change over this time together yeah, we can we started out with a cold blade concert.
Speaker 1:We did right and we're finishing it off with, we just had hosted a retreat in narimata, british columbia, and it was really really love filled holy, oh my gosh, like you could not have asked for a more beautiful group of souls coming together.
Speaker 2:It was the most beautiful beings ever which I'm so grateful for, michelle like oh my god, the people missing them this week were incredible.
Speaker 1:Yes, it was a very special group of people.
Speaker 2:It was yeah, it was really amazing. Yeah, and it's both. We are all so happy to have it done and behind us. Yes, you've got a trip coming.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And we're going to enjoy our summer.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 1:Yes, big time. I mean this is what we play for. Yeah, you know, days in the sun, I'm heading to the ocean. This is for me. I mean, I love all the little stuff every single day. Don't get me wrong. Every single day, don't get me wrong, I'm. I'm very I'm typically a very enthusiastic being about life in general. Right now, so, on a scale of 10, I'm at about a 15 because I'm just so excited about all the fun stuff that's coming, and so I can't help my enthusiasm.
Speaker 2:I like it. There's like a bittersweet to it because it's like, oh, we wrap up a season and we'll take a bit of a break, so you and I aren't going to be physically visiting each other weekly like we do. No, and it's summertime, and it's summer, which is we love, this we always take a summer break with the podcast.
Speaker 2:And we're going to come back with some new things in the fall, like we're going to start videoing and we're going to lean into our courage more and yeah, yeah, we're changing, we're changing, we're starting a youtube channel and uh, so that is going to be some differences.
Speaker 1:So I know it's. It's constantly a process of evolution, is it not?
Speaker 2:yes, and that's what I feel so tender about is it's this journey, like I think, back to us starting season one and even as we're pre-visiting today.
Speaker 1:I'm like remember that thing compared to now, right like right.
Speaker 2:Or even talking about life, like remember when my son was in kindergarten, we're like wow, we were podcasting then and it's been four years done.
Speaker 1:Kindergarten this year finishing kindy, yes, starting grade one in the fall, like oh what I know.
Speaker 2:So we're gonna take the summer to recharge recoup ground ourself into, like our passion, of why we want to share and come back refreshed. So this is our hope for this episode is that you're doing the same, whoever's listening, that's right. Right.
Speaker 1:That's right and you know, like that's, all we've been discussing all morning is how important it is. You know and we've been discussing Tara you know what is the purpose of the journey and you know what is the purpose of the journey and you know what is the point of it all. It's a question you love to ask Spirit a lot, especially when we're going through some hard times and some challenges, and if you are alive and human on the planet right now, that is something that you very likely know some things about yourself, right Like we are all walking through our own challenges, to be sure, and Spirit would say to you the point is that, over and over and, over and over again, that you come back and that you find love, and that that is the point of it.
Speaker 1:And I love hearing that message because I can honestly say with pride that I know that that's something that you and I have done through this process of this podcast together so far.
Speaker 1:Maybe we don't know every place it's going to take us as we keep going further, but that, for me at least, anyway, that it has certainly been a journey, you know, of love, of creating community, of bringing people together, of sharing in conversation.
Speaker 1:And I was thinking, you know today, tara, like when we feel like, oh my gosh, the world has so much further to go. Okay, you know there's some things that could change and improve, to be sure, but that, you know, 200 years ago, or even maybe 100 years ago, you and I wouldn't have been doing this. It wouldn't have been acceptable, it wouldn't have been allowed, and so we can see how far actually we have come, and maybe we've come further than we think, and that's very hopeful to me when we're frustrated about, you know, aspects of the world or where we're going now that we are doing it, and it's why you and I want to keep showing up right. It's why we want to keep bringing power to these conversations so that people do feel seen and heard and understood and that we are creating community together, even if we're in different parts of the world, that our hearts belong together.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And our hearts thrive when we are together.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, oh. That brings me back to the feeling of being in circle at this past retreat we did and to be sitting in a huge circle with these women like and that's, we said it there like we wouldn't have been allowed to do this once upon a time. That's right. And on top of that, michelle channeled spirit. I would love can I share a couple of the pearls, because michelle channels spirit and she doesn't remember what she shares, because you're a vessel delivering this beautiful message well, I feel the emotion of it.
Speaker 1:So I feel like the it's like you feel into the emotion of it and this is what you're conveying right like so I really sit with the emotion and I feel very, uh, light. I feel very like maybe even a little bit emotionally high afterwards.
Speaker 2:Naturally high, just channeling spirit. I love that because you've channeled on the podcast before. We did an episode of that that people can listen to if they want to hear it firsthand. Those were questions that I had asked that time For this retreat. We asked the participants to write down their questions and there were a couple that really stuck with me and I'd like to just record them here so that they're stamped and saved in time because it was a very good memory.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't remember at all it was so good.
Speaker 2:Somebody asked about our food, and does the food that we eat matter in terms of our ability to connect to our higher self? And our intuition 100 it does. And I read this question I'm like, yes, but let's see what the beings say about it. And when you answered you said we don't necessarily like how you make your food. We say eat dirt. And I was just bumping in my seat as you. We say eat dirt.
Speaker 2:We say eat the food that comes from the earth, eat the food that you pick from the soil and eat the food that is close to the dirt and at the end, you added in, or they added in oh, and we also say to drink more water, Right, so that eat dirt. That was just Michelle, it had me giddy, I was so happy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and there was a few other questions that the answers were kind of what we expected Like am I on the right path? We know the answer is yes, because you're on it, yeah, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Kinds of things like this. Another one that stood out was a beautiful question regarding children and how do we best support this next generation coming through, to be tuned into themselves and to be kind and generous, and how do we help them to create this beautiful world? And the answer we received when you channeled was they are your teachers. Because the question was in how do we teach the children? And the response we got was that the children are actually our teachers and.
Speaker 2:And I loved that. And they said the children are our teachers, that they teach us to be free and to be present. They teach us how it is to swing on a swing and to run or jump on a trampoline, that feeling of freedom in running as fast as you can, or the joy in being present and filling a sandbox or filling up a bucket and playing. And can we learn from them to go and do the same and have this presence and this freedom to go and play and can we find joy in filling a bucket of sand.
Speaker 2:And then also, it was added that the parents, that we are their home, and that moved me to tears, reflecting on my kids and how much they do teach me, and that we get the privilege of being their home in this world and I thought what a, what a privilege and a gift.
Speaker 2:And I was really tender and the answers just came through you, michelle, and you just channeled, and it was amazing because the message was so gentle. It was about that we take life too seriously, that we need to gentle up on ourselves. One question was asking if we'll ever find true happiness, and the response was we hope so. We place it right at your feet. We hope that you can get it and that you can carry that forward. So these were messages that I wanted to bring to the podcast as we wrap up this season, because you and I love gardening and we've got our gardens going.
Speaker 2:So, it's eat dirt, play right.
Speaker 1:And be gentle.
Speaker 2:And I really hope that that is the summer that the listeners get and that we get, and I'm looking forward to that part of it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love. You know the way sometimes spirit will explain things to me, will make me look at something differently, in a way that maybe I hadn't looked at it before, maybe I hadn't looked at it before. And so one of the things that was explained to me, you know, in terms of why, you know, certain foods might bring your vibrational frequency down, and it was that we over process our foods, like they're very over processed, and so I'm like you know, explain, because you know, on occasion Doritos are fucking delicious, right, like not all the time, but you know, on occasion you get one. It's like hits the happy buttons, right. So the point was that you know, you, you process your food all the time and I'm like I don't process food and they're like, do you can your your stuff?
Speaker 1:Well, you can your tomatoes. And I'm like, yeah, that's processing food. I'm like, oh so if I freeze my tomatoes or I freeze corn or you know whatever, that's a process. So you're that is a processing, and they're like the over-processing is taking that ingredient and then completely shifting and changing it and adding to it, you know, oils and adding all these preservatives.
Speaker 1:Non-food items, the non or the fillers, even you know that kind of thing the colors, the flavors and they're like that will drag your vibrational frequency down, but if you're eating like fresh and basically processed food, that's going to keep your vibrational frequency high, and so that was to me like one of those explanations. That kind of hit me upside the face and I'm like, oh, I see that. Okay, yeah, I get what you're saying there. So it's not bad to eat bread, for example. But you know, do that, you know?
Speaker 1:maybe you know, because I love making it Not everybody does, but like, maybe be careful of the ingredients so that it doesn't have 55 ingredients in it that it's more the basic kind and that it would mold because it goes bad and it's not preserved Anyhow.
Speaker 1:So I love those kinds of messages. You know, in terms of our children, I think what Spirit delivers is absolutely gorgeous, and I will joke sometimes with Spirit no-transcript. You know that in a moment, Tara, where you're not appreciating and learning from your children and you just want them to just you know, you know, just stop, or like they're pestering or they're asking for something repeatedly and you're like that's enough. It's okay for you to have that moment. You don't have to, every single moment of your life, be in a place of, oh my God, like you're so amazing. I mean, sometimes they are just little pests and that's the absolute truth of it, and so there has to be a balance there and so all things in balance. And so, yes, these messages from Spirit are amazing, they are really lovely, but please remember that you're walking a human journey and what Spirit would love you to know?
Speaker 1:The most of any of the things I know because this comes through in almost every message that I channel and bring forward is you know, this is really a journey of self-love and self-compassion, and are you able to be gentle with yourself. Are you able to forgive yourself for moments where you weren't perfect, you know? Are you able to love yourself and are you able to say yes to yourself in a way that is, the things that you want, not what somebody else thinks is right for you or what somebody else would want for you? Are you able to say yes to yourself, ultimately, and forgive yourself for moments when you didn't get it exactly right? And so I know it's my journey. I am definitely on a journey of self-compassion. I mean, if you've listened to anything on this podcast this year, you know that's my truth, that I'm working on it, and and so this is our evolution. This is how we are evolving, out loud.
Speaker 2:I love it and it came when you were channeling it. That came through so much. There was so much about gentleness, forgiveness, compassion, and that we take life so seriously and we just really white knuckle our way through. When can we find more gentleness, can we find more joy? And at the very end, I asked the beings of light is there anything else you would like to share to this group that we need to hear before we wrap up this channeling session? And the response was we bow to you and it was this.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, that makes me want to cry. It did even when you were channeling.
Speaker 2:I saw your humanness choke up a bit with the feeling of the emotion of in that message just absolutely just comes forward and it was this and they went on and on saying that we are the ones in the game. Yeah, like there was this reverence, you are the ones that have chosen to be on earth.
Speaker 2:You are the ones we are here to guide. You call in, ask for help. We're here to support you. But it was this deep gratitude for the humans in this circle, yeah, that are choosing to hear and be in it, because the human journey isn't easy yeah we can say all these beautiful love and light things, and it's a hot shit show sometimes and and it's both. We're all, both you and I. We're not perfect. I yell at my children and then I say sorry.
Speaker 1:Yeah, sometimes, sometimes we're right. All of it, we're all, all of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So I hope this summer we can just play more and have that joy and that levity and that what they're saying how kids can be so free and present. I hope that the people listening get time to dip their toes in the lake or to run as fast as their legs can carry them, or sit and do nothing and feel the sun on your face, yeah. Hands in the dirt, yeah. How's your garden doing?
Speaker 1:oh, it's a little on the chilly side, I'm gonna be honest, but it is. But the plants are very well established. I have some of the lettuces are coming up, some of the potatoes are sprouting, and I've got tiny little corn shoots and I would just say that my poor little zucchinis and squashes are looking a little bit like they need the sun, so I'm hoping some sun comes just for them, but I'm also loving this rain that we're getting right now, derek.
Speaker 2:We have been flooded for a month with so much like we've, so needed so much rain and we are in this desert little place with lots of wildfires in the summer, so I'm grateful for the rain. I'm not going to complain, nope and the plants are a little wet and slow, but I think today's our last rainy day, then we get some sun.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, yeah, because we've revamped. I am on a little tiny lot. We don't have a whole lot of yard, but I've got front yard garden this year. Yes, I'm that person. So for mother's day, uh, reese made two big raised garden beds in the front and then we're gonna do a trellis between the two. So I've got my little cucumbers to grow up, but they've just had so much rain that, we'll see, we're hoping for them to climb this trellis. And, nice, the kids can pick zucchinis hanging and all these different things, cucumbers, squash. So I've got like double the garden that I had last year. Nice, and what gets me excited is the sharing in the front yard, because we're in a cul-de-sac and there's all these little kids here on my street.
Speaker 2:So I'm like it. There's that like educational aspect. They're already so interested like what do you have in there? I'm like, look at the corn popping up, here's the tomatoes like so I'm finding joy in the garden this summer and we'll be escaping cell service and going to our family cabin with the dog and the kids, and and we've got uh two new babies in our family this spring, so we have my sisters have each had a son this spring, so it's going to be, yeah, family and fun in the sun, hopefully for the summer.
Speaker 1:Yeah, john and I are going to get up there this summer with you guys. Yes, please, yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh. I will be giddy to show you our space.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so this is my favorite. I love all the seasons. I can find beauty in every single season and when we get our first snow and I don't want to talk about that yet, but when we get it.
Speaker 2:You just made me cranky.
Speaker 1:Oh no, but I rejoice right. Like I in the beauty of it when the fall leaves drop, I rejoice. We've just had. All of our trees are now in the the, the really gorgeous fresh green Cause they've. You know, they're all fully out and, oh my God, like isn't it just so sensational.
Speaker 2:I love this time of year probably most, because it's before all of the bloom, it's all of the harvest, like I love I love harvest season I love all of that, but there's this anticipatory about this it's so exciting.
Speaker 1:Yes, like I am walking through my garden, fantasizing and visualizing as it, fills in as it fills in right I know, and and some of it, like if you were to look at it right now, you're like oh, oh, that's, that's really cute, michelle, you got some, you got some dirt there, but like, once it fills in, I mean it's insane, it's just so gorgeous oh, michelle, I come in the house like with dirty little feet and hands and I'm like just so excited and reese is like he doesn't get it because he can't see.
Speaker 2:I'm like, oh, you just wait till the tomatoes are tall in the back and the peas fill out. And then I did this bean teepee for the kids and the beans are all popping up I'm like this is all going to be covered in green, like you just can't see it yet. So oh, it's really cool I do, I love we get it though because I send you pictures.
Speaker 1:I'm like, look at my dirt, like it's so beautiful, it's so dark, like it's amazing. You know, and I have these and I was planting potatoes and you know, these massive earthworms are in there and I'm like, oh, I am doing it right.
Speaker 2:So good, it's so satisfying yes. And then right in the front gardens too I've got. So you come out my front door and then I've done another herb section.
Speaker 1:So I'm like I have another six herb, like all the not even medicinal, like the culinary ones the basil, the thyme, the parsley, yeah, cilantro, rosemary.
Speaker 2:I'm like this stuff gets me jazzed, no kidding, no kidding. So I hope that our listeners get time to fill their bucket, and I think that the heart of, like, the retreat we just did, was this tune into what does your heart need? I love and this is what you and I are doing as we say goodbye to the podcast for this season.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we really are, and that's what the summer is going to be about. Is, you know, what does my heart need? What does your heart need? I think that's one of the most beautiful questions that you could ask yourself, and you know. I just want to quickly speak to the energy of June, and this you know, when you hear this podcast, it will be the end of June, but still very relevant because it will make sense for what you have experienced through this month and what you will be experiencing through the summer.
Speaker 1:And so I love tuning into the seasons, and I was tuning in to get messages for the summer solstice, which will happen around June 20th, 21st, and I wanted, you know, to kind of tune into the energy of what is this particular one? And, and of course, the overarching season, is about the return of the light. It always is, because we'll reach the longest day of the year at that time, but it was more a message of the light within. And how do we ignite it? You know, in so many ways I think we've allowed them to dim and you know, whatever that is, whatever the case may be for each and every one of you, maybe you've had challenges, maybe there have been health challenges, maybe there have been moments of uncertainty or changes in relationships. There can be a myriad of reasons why challenges come forward, but how do you return to the light? What do you do within to bring back your light? And one of the things that I know that we'll be seeing a lot in June and we'd love to hear from you if this is something that you have experienced is kind of like old parts of you dying away and new parts being reborn, and so, like there's a lot of maybe shedding is one way to put it where, like you know, I used to feel that way, I used to think that way, I used to you know, really be. You know I used to really think that was my choice or my decision. You know, really be.
Speaker 1:You know I used to really think that was my choice or my decision, and you'll find that you're changing your mind, that you've changed your mind about what you want to do, or maybe you've changed your mind on something that you held steadfast for a very long time and I think that we'll see this on a global level as well and so you know, maybe people changing their mind about how they feel about the pandemic ooh, scandalous.
Speaker 1:You know, or you know, or maybe political party affiliations or who they would vote for or foods that they would choose or buy, or maybe they're seeing something differently, like I didn't know. That wasn't great for me. I didn't put two and two together, but now that I have, I'm going to make a different choice. Those kinds of things you can see happening a lot, so I'll be really interested to tune in and hear from you if this is something that you've experienced through the month of June, because that is what the energy is shifting, and so things that maybe we've been hanging on to for one reason or another are really ready to let go.
Speaker 2:I like that and it feels exciting as well, because you think of this shedding and for myself, as you speak, I'm just thinking, you know, it's almost like layers of softening, because if we shed these rigid parts of us, these pieces that we hold on tight to these ideas, beliefs, programming, and if we all of a sudden start softening and as the skin softens and dries and sheds off, you know, maybe we're not going to hold on to those rigid parts. And isn't there a freedom in that, In not having to control the situation or not having to control the outcome and just not holding on so damn tight in life and just really letting go and letting what wants to fall away fall away? We'll see where we end up at the end of June.
Speaker 1:Absolutely, and through the summer as well, right, like, I think that one of the most beautiful things that we can do for ourselves this summer and Spirit will speak to this a great deal you know, when we ask those deep questions, you know what the fuck is it all about. You know that this really is a journey of self-compassion, like it really really is. Like, how can you soften, as you said, how can you soften those parts of yourself that you held rigid or the standards that you've held yourself to? How can you soften in any of those? How can you, you know, forgive yourself? And just, I guess you know it sounds corny and I cannot sit here and say to you that I'm 100% there.
Speaker 1:I am on a journey of it all the time, and some days I'm doing much better than others, and other days I could be doing the laundry and something pops into my head and I'm like, oh my gosh, like you know, did I say that right? Did I? You know, did I express myself properly there? Like you know, could I have done more? Blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:So it's a journey always, and unfolding, but I know that I'm coming more and more into that place of center all the time, where I can find that self-compassion, and that's really what it's all about. And when I ask, you know, for guidance, you know well, you know how do I stay on track. You know how do I do this more and more and it's like are you having fun? And I'm like right, it always comes back to you know, are you doing things that are joyful to you? Are you doing things that you know raise your vibrational frequency? Are you doing? And anything that is joyful raises your vibrational frequency like truly joyful, and so those are. I love those kinds of conversations and I think what a beautiful invitation for each of us, you know, to really find that self compassion and self love and to literally, like, say no to stuff that isn't right for us and to say yes to the stuff that we actually really want. Yes, as opposed to anything else.
Speaker 2:Yes, and that's what is coming to me as you share it. I'm like you can hear the people that are too busy to have fun and have too much on their plate and life is so heavy. And for that I want to say where can we free up space? Where can we do less? Where can we just go and seek the joy and the more I allow myself to do that? It's uncomfortable, because if we've been raised to always be helpful and always give, and to be in that service.
Speaker 2:it can be uncomfortable to not do it anymore and to draw some boundaries. And come back to ourselves, and I shared on my Instagram last week. It was from a farm that I follow and they said if you for the people that say they don't have time to grow a garden, have you ever thought of not cleaning your house and doing your garden instead? And I shared it and tagged Reese and he reads it in the kitchen. He laughed a little too hard, oh no, oh no, reese, a little too hard.
Speaker 2:Michelle, okay, as we're sitting in our messy house. Yes, yes, I'm like just the garden brings me so much joy and that is where I visit in the day, and then I come in and then I'll do a load of laundry and stuff, but what I have done is let go of my house needing to be a perfect way and that Reese and I are partners in this, and if you're laughing so hard, let's get a house cleaner. Man Like that, we can't carry it all and we were never meant to, but we darn well keep trying, don't we?
Speaker 2:yes, yeah, let's not, so let's not yeah, and if I drop my standard in my bar, I think that frees people to drop their set like I love. We don't have to have a pristine home. No, all the laundry does not always have to be done like we can't keep up on that rat race. Nor do we want to that's the big point.
Speaker 1:Nor do we want to. So let's go have some fun. I know it was the rat race is the least fun yeah, yeah, I'm not gonna die.
Speaker 2:And people say oh, thank god, our house is always clean, right, you know you make a very good point.
Speaker 1:I've never actually heard that from a dead peep on the other side yet I've never heard that one time.
Speaker 2:No, Nope, never heard it In 10 years of doing readings nobody has. No, no, no no, no never heard it, so take that Reese.
Speaker 1:No, that's just a good point. Yeah, yeah, even as I sit here, underneath, this iPad is hiding a list of stuff I have to get through in my house. Let's rip that shit up, oh no kidding.
Speaker 2:No, it's a balance and I get it. It's a balance and we've got to do it all. Can we? Can we dance while balancing it? Can we find fun? Can we add a bit?
Speaker 1:of music.
Speaker 2:Can we raise our vibration in any way that we can?
Speaker 1:And.
Speaker 2:I know that I can it's. It's picking up on that feeling of when we're slogged down and when we're needing that little bit of light and that play and just that permission to go and do that as well yeah, and you heard it first from Michelle no dead people ever said thank god, my house is always clean no, I, I never thought of that before.
Speaker 1:but no, I'm racking my brain and I'm like, nope, no, I can guarantee I've not gotten that message before. I get a lot of messages about a lot of different things. No, not cleanliness, yeah.
Speaker 2:I wish I did more laundry while I was alive. I really miss doing the laundry now that I'm in heaven.
Speaker 1:Gosh, no doubt, no doubt.
Speaker 2:Before we wrap up, Michelle, you have written a channeling message that you've recently channeled. Would you share it with our it's really long.
Speaker 1:I don't know if we'll share the whole thing, but this was yesterday and so I was channeling because I had you know, okay, I'll just backtrack for just two little seconds. Had you know, okay, I'll just backtrack for two little seconds. Have you ever had like an aha moment where you were hanging on to something and you were really like committed to something, going a certain way, like having a certain outcome, and you're going to work at it, like you're going to like put your energy there, your good intentions there? And I was out having a beautiful walk with my dogs, which is a very cup filling thing. So I was already in a really lovely energetic space and not focused on a problem whatsoever. In fact, I was doing the admiration of the beautiful new blooms and the leaves and the things like how you know what's changed and some wildflowers have popped up and it's just like, oh, the little buttercups in the field right now in the hills, oh, it just makes my heart sing. So that's the place that I was in and I immediately had an intuitive hit, a realization of something that I had been wanting to go a certain way was not going to be, it was going to shift and change and that it was a good thing and that it was okay to let it fall away. So I definitely had some emotion come with that, but that it was going to be all right, like it was not a bad, like it made me smile actually, the message, like it made me feel good, even though there was, like that, as you say, the both component to it. I was like, but it's okay, it's all right, and so I had that. So because of that I came home and I sat down and just channeled a little bit of a message. You know just explaining again, you know asking, you know what is the big part of the journey, and I'll just read a couple of tidbits from this channeling. And it was really beautiful.
Speaker 1:You need not feel responsible or hold the energy of all that is happening on the planet. Being present within your own energy, taking care of your own energy, taking care of your own energy, tending to your own garden, is where your power lies. We ask you not to look away from yourself, to not be afraid of what you will find, but instead to just be present. The journey of connection is one of presence, and the more that you love yourself, the closer you are to your source, to your highest self and the connection that you seek, the answers that you seek are so easy In our world.
Speaker 1:Not everyone is used to the words and messages of spirit because we don't necessarily speak to each other in these ways. The messages of the universe and the ways that you are loved and supported are the radiance of the universe, and finding what makes you joyful and doing those things takes you to the highest vibrational frequencies, and it was created this way so that you would move from happy place to happy place even when you are feeling challenged. You need not make it so difficult or complicated. Slow down, be playful, find what brings you joy and fall in love with yourself as you do this. This is where all the treasure lies.
Speaker 2:Yeah, thank you.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Season four. Thank you, yeah, season four Adios. It was a gooder, it was a gooder, it was a gooder. I'm so grateful for you, Michelle. I'm so grateful for you, Tara. We'll be back for season five.
Speaker 1:Happy summer. We'll be back for season five. Happy summer. We would love for you to join us on our podcast page on instagram at walk together fiercely. Here we can chat, have community, ask questions and lots of other extra information that you might not get on our podcast. For more information about us, you can find Dr Tara on Instagram at DrTaraDrummond. For more information about me, michelle, you can find me on Instagram at MichelleMorrisonMedium. All other information about me is on my website, thebalancedsoulcom. This podcast is recorded by Michelle and Tara and is edited and arranged by Sammy Lucan.