Walk Together Fiercely
Walking Together Fiercely is a fun and bouncy podcast, hosted by Psychic Medium, Michelle Morrison and Naturopathic Doctor, Tara Drummond. Together, they bring forward numerous topics about well being, health, Spirituality and just being human in a diverse, busy and sometimes chaotic world. Celebrating our differences and the things we have in common, all with a sense of humor and compassion. With guest speakers bringing their amazing wisdom and talents forward, we are creating a safe space where we can talk about a variety of topics and learn and grow in positive and empowering ways. Being more in tune within, more intuitive and aware in all areas of life and living the best life you can live. Our intention is to create a beautiful community of amazing souls who want to hold one another up as we all walk our journey with kindness, laughter, compassion, love and joy. We are so glad you are here and we look forward to taking this journey with you!
Walk Together Fiercely
Channeling the Beings of Light - Guidance for Your Earth Journey
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Happy Solar Eclipse today! This special episode is being released in conjunction with the Solar Eclipse and for these really interesting energetic times.
Have you ever felt the magnetic pull towards understanding the unseen forces that guide us? Today we open the doors to such mysteries, inviting you to a space where spiritual exploration meets personal empowerment. In this episode, Michelle channels her own spirit guides and angels, The Beings of Light. Tara comes with questions as Michelle channels the answers from that Universal support and energy that surrounds us all. This episode is an opportunity to embrace your curiosities about connecting with higher energies, be it the spirits of loved ones, angels or spirit guides. Unlock your intuition's full potential and find a heartfelt community that affirms: you matter, and you are never alone.
Our conversation takes a heartfelt turn, acknowledging the shared journey of humanity. We reflect on the profound impact of our collective experiences and the weight of responsibility they carry. We are reminded of the power of love, compassion, and support. By fostering environments for ourselves and for our children and community to thrive, we not only contribute to our individual growth but the evolution of our planet and our souls. It's a dialogue that celebrates both the joys and challenges of nurturing the next generation towards a world filled with greater love and understanding.
As we wrap up our exchange, we explore the pursuit of joy and the profound healing it can bring to our lives and those around us. We discuss the legacy of our departed loved ones and the growth opportunities Earth provides for souls in search of evolution. With a guided breathing exercise to ground you, we invite you to continue this journey with us, sharing insights and supporting one another in our vibrant community. Let's get into it and walk together fiercely as we navigate the waters of spiritual connection, personal growth, and the shared pursuit of happiness and fulfillment.
We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
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For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond
For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium
Welcome to Walk Together Fiercely. We are just so glad to have you here. We invite and we also thank you for being a part of our community. Thank you for choosing to spend some of your precious time with us. We know how valuable it is. I am Michelle Morrison. I am a medium and an intuitive and I support people to make beautiful spiritual connections with loved ones on the other side, with angels and spirit guides, and I love helping people tune into their own amazing intuition.
Speaker 2:I am Dr Tara Drummond and I'm a naturopathic doctor and I'm passionate about empowering people in all aspects of health and well-being. Our intention is to create community and connection. We do that with open hearts and connection. We do that with open hearts, minds and a whole lot of love and laughter. The more we know ourselves, the deeper connection we can have within which allows us to deepen connections around us.
Speaker 1:We feel so passionately about this. You matter, that you are so important and that you belong, and we are creating and connecting to the hearts and wisdom of our together fiercely, through this beautiful, sometimes really challenging life. As light warriors of love, together, with open minds and hearts, we can create a community where we celebrate, play and thrive. Thank you for being here. Play and thrive. Thank you for being here.
Speaker 2:Good morning, beautiful Good morning. I'm looking forward to today. Michelle, You're going to check out of this episode, aren't you? I guess I am.
Speaker 1:I guess I am. This is yeah. We've been, we've been saying we should do this one for a bit. Now we're finally taking the time to get on board and do it.
Speaker 2:I like it. It's a bit vulnerable. I feel like there's vulnerability on both ends and we're just going to trust the process, show up together and share what comes forward.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Do you want to share what we're doing today, tara? Yeah, michelle's going to channel, which is so cool. She's going to tell us a bit more what channeling is. So I have curated a handful of questions that Michelle has no idea. What is on my paper?
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And the vulnerability for me is am I asking the right questions? Are they stupid questions, et cetera. So I've been overthinking on my end. Yes, For Michelle. This has a vulnerability to allow herself to step out of the way and be used as a conduit, and she has no idea what's going to come out of her mouth when she does this. No, I never do.
Speaker 1:No, yeah, channeling Tara is something that you can do also right, and I think that in a workshop with me, you've done channeled writing, have you? Have you ever done that? Yeah, where you get so, it's like getting into a semi-meditative state where you're not completely like. You know, it's not like your whole person steps aside or anything like that, like I'm very aware of what's happening, even though I won't remember all of the words or messages, I'm very aware of the energy and the feel and the like, the just the experience of it. And so, of course, you know, you're well aware, that we all have beautiful angels and spirit guides that are with us all the time. It's a higher vibrational frequency of energy is another way to put it, and I mean, you know, I think we just have fun like giving names to this and, like you know, feeling like we're actually connecting with the person. I think the honest to goodness truth is is that it is more of a collective and just a collective kind of an energy, and for me, I just call it beings of light. My beings of light is a perfect way to express what I'm connecting into, and I certainly have my very own spirit guides that I'm aware of, as do you, and Tara's. Like what are my spirit guides? Again, right, tell me more. But we each have spirit guides, and spirit guides are different because they aren't people that you would have known here on Earth. They are beings in non-physical who are just absolutely ecstatic to help and support you in every ways that they can.
Speaker 1:And I don't know if I've spoken about my spirit guides on this podcast ever before. I don't think I have Tara, but the personal ones that I work with. Their names are Ezra and Agnes, and Agnes, I mean, has been with me for as long as I can remember, like as far back as I can remember as a child. I remember this beautiful figure that has always just been with me. Ezra is a spirit guide that I became aware of I don't know, like maybe I don't know 15-ish years ago, and it's more of a masculine presence, and I can say that when I am in need of courage or strength, that that's one of the energies that comes in, and so that's spirit guides.
Speaker 1:And then there's angelic beings. I mean there's not a ton of difference between them other than spirit guides will be designated to assist you for your entire time on your earth journey, and so they're designated to you, walking with you, helping you and also, like angelic beings, are around every person, every living thing on the planet, and then they can come and go as you need them. So when you are pregnant with Weston and Ari, you would have had like midwifery spirit guide energy with you. When you are traveling, you will have travel energy with you. When you are training your puppy, who's just sleeping behind you so sweet and peacefully right now, um, you will have like puppy trainer energy with you, like it all for any single thing that you can imagine that you might need help or support with. There's an angel for that, there's a spirit guide for that I love that.
Speaker 2:More puppy training guides.
Speaker 1:You and me both? Yes, for sure. So so that's so when you get into a semi meditative state and anybody can do this what you're doing is you're kind of taking your ego and putting it aside and you're kind of just channeling into a higher frequency of energy, kind of just channeling into a higher frequency of energy. A source like energy and it's not going to speak to you like ego, is, it's not going to criticize you or berate you or any of those things. It will encourage you, it will guide you, it will give you, you know, suggestions that they hope are more than suggestions, but they'll give you things like that Asking, you know, just saying, if you're asking, here's some things you can consider or think about, or here's something to incorporate. It's always very loving and gentle. It's never from a place of criticism or you're doing this wrong. It's never from a place of judgment. It's just always from where you are right now.
Speaker 2:I love that. Thank you for being willing to do this today.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so anyway. So you have some prepared questions. We're going to get into it and hope that our dogs lay nice. And still, I'm already very kind of buzzy and meditative, because I've been meditating this morning in preparation for this, and so I'm going to just go quiet, I guess, for a little bit. I think we're good on everything here, and then you, when I tell you that I am ready, you can just begin. Does that sound good, tara?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yes, okay, we're ready. Okay, I'm going to ask you who are we channeling today? Which angels and spirit guides are with us?
Speaker 1:we are so happy to be with you and encouraged by your enthusiasm. We are enthusiastic right back to you. We are the beings of light and you call this angelic presence, you call this spirit guide presence. But if you were to imagine the highest vibrational frequency, where there is such harmony and such peace and such love that we are, that that we are in alignment with source energy, that we have the well-being of the entire universe in our intention, in our frequency, we are encouraging you to raise your own vibration, to come up and meet us partway. We encourage you to open your hearts, to allow your body to relax, to sink into this communication, so that you will feel it in your heart space, that you will feel it on a deeper level within you, that it will come home to you on a cellular level and that you will remember the truth of who you really are, the beauty of who you really are. You are us and we are you. We are all one.
Speaker 2:I would like to ask you what is the point of being alive and living in this frequency of love, light, kindness and compassion. Sometimes the world feels so hard. What's the point of choosing to be good, opposed to just joining the chaos?
Speaker 1:We thoroughly enjoy and love the sense of humor. There is so much goodness in the being you would say sassy or cheeky, and there can still be so much goodness within that. And, as we know, you would say, tara, can you not be both? Know, you would say, tara, can you not be both? But have fun with it.
Speaker 1:I think that you are asking and meaning for something a little bit deeper. And so when you are walking through your world and you feel heavy and you feel tired and you feel maybe alone or unsure or uncertain of your path, we know that this is a part of your journey. What we want you to recognize is that it is a part of your being, a part of your soul longing for something more, longing for something to shift or change, or maybe even feeling a bit homesick, or wanting the earth energy to match what you know in your soul and the depths of your soul and your being, to be more of your truth. And it is simply a recognition of that. And so why choose to be good, or why choose a higher vibrational frequency, is so that you can bring what it is that you are looking for to the planet. Looking for to the planet, you will not ever find what you are looking for in choosing behaviors or making choices that actually make you feel worse. In the long haul, what you will receive more from is your generosity, your community. In your times of giving, in your times of caring, in being compassionate, in being non-judgmental, you will actually feel freer within yourself, and what the earth is learning right now is that, in the energy of climbing upon the back of another to get yourself ahead, there is less freedom in that, even though there may be like a hit or a moment where it feels like you're getting ahead, but there is not any freedom in it. The freedom lies within your ability to be kind and compassionate and generous and to be caring and sharing and working together in harmony.
Speaker 1:Within that space, there is so much more freedom and so much more truth, and that feeling of loss or uncertainty begins to dissipate because it cannot exist there when you are operating from this place of truth within you, and so our invitation to you is yes, you will feel those times, or feel those moments, and know that that is okay, but recognize it as a calling within your soul, and because you have the beautiful characteristics and qualities that you possess, what is it that your soul is calling you to do.
Speaker 1:What do you feel is needed? What do you wish you could bring forward? And as you do that, as you embody that, as you choose that, you will really walk your path of empowerment. You will really be walking and creating and feeling more in alignment with your truth, with your soul, with your purpose here for being. It was all meant to be joyful and so, please, we ask you to remember this that it is joyful, that it is expansive and that it is far more powerful in this energy than any other type of energy that there is for the souls that are carrying the heavy weight of feeling anxious and depressed.
Speaker 2:What would you say to them? What are the point of feelings?
Speaker 1:feelings are such a gift, yet they may not always feel as such a gift to you, and we hear this from you often. There are many souls that are with us in this realm of non-physical who would love to have feelings as you do, to experience such a wide range of feelings. The feelings that you have are meant to be an impetus. They are meant to begin or start something. They are a beautiful starting point, and every day is a fresh canvas of new feelings, new experiences, new choices that lay before you. And when you tune into your feelings, whether you deem them to be positive or negative, we say let that slide, let that be. Rather than deeming them to be good or bad, deem them as they are, as is. It is this. And from that place, let it be like a diving board, like a jumping board, a jumping off place of where you go to next. And you can choose to stay in the energy of one feeling, one thought, one emotion for a period of time, and it will sink you down even further. Into that. You'll find that there is no bottom. It can absolutely be bottomless in certain aspects, if you allow it, if you are tuning into the truth of your soul, which is what you are asking. Let it be a starting place from where you'd like to go. From here and even if it's awareness of you do not want to feel what you are feeling right now we say that is okay, but allow it because it has shown you something. It has opened a door or a window for you and it is bringing forward an energy that you need. And so, from here, where will you go?
Speaker 1:And that is the point of feelings. All of your feelings are meant to be calling you home. They are meant to be a calling of your heart, bringing you back to yourself. And all feelings are also teachers. They help you to understand. They are instructions for how to thrive in your life. If you are listening and you are tuning in for how to thrive in your life, if you are listening and you are tuning in, and we ask that you be brave in this time in space, in your earthly reality, that you do pay attention to your feelings, that you do pay attention to how they make you feel and that you look for what it is that you would rather have instead, because as you do that and you step into that and you begin to embody that, you will create the space for others to do the same.
Speaker 1:And what you are not necessarily seeing right now that we see for you is that one hand up reaches down and pulls another, and then pulls another and pulls another, and we actually see this happening right now.
Speaker 1:We see you pulling each other out with your truth, with speaking your truth and being braver to speak your truth, and you will see more of that to come. We love this, we encourage this, and we want to see you come forward pulling each other up with that beautiful acknowledgement of where it is and where you'd like to go and what you're doing to get there. You forget that you can ask us to be with you to do this as well. You forget that you believe that you are on your own, which you are not. You've never been alone, and as soon as you tune into the energy of being surrounded and supported, there will, within minutes, be a little bit of a settling feeling, a feeling of peace, and you can bring more and more of that forward that you know, when you're doing that, that you are absolutely on the right track, that you are moving in the right direction and that it will only get better from here.
Speaker 2:I feel like a lucky girl. I was born into a beautiful place on earth, in a very privileged body that allows me to walk through the earth, having an easier experience than some other humans and sometimes this comes with guilt other humans, and sometimes this comes with guilt. What is it that we can do on earth to help our fellow humans who were born into places without such privilege and just that suffering disparity? I want to ask what youth is learning in that regard and how can we best serve it?
Speaker 1:the wisdom in this question would say to us that you already know the response. What we would say to you, and what we would have you remember, is that aspects of you have walked all kinds of different journeys, and you may not be in a place right now of remembering what all of those journeys are, but do not judge this journey alone, for you cannot. It is a part of a whole. It is the drop in the ocean of an entirety of experiences, and so your soul has experienced all different kinds of things, some of them easy, some of them more challenging than you could possibly imagine, and so there is such a variety, and so you are seeing one aspect of your soul in this lifetime, but it is not the entirety of who you are and all that you have encompassed and experienced, and so we ask you not to judge that coming from the place of how can I help others. Is the knowing within you of all of the different aspects that you have embodied at one time or another that allows you to remember that. You know that there are different experiences out there. You know what it feels like to have those different experiences, and you know how challenging it is, and it is because of this beautiful growth and learning, that you don't want to see others go through hard things that your soul may have embodied at one point or another. This is the point of soul growth and soul evolution. This is exactly what makes the planet a better place, what makes the universe a better place. This is a huge part of your soul growth and your soul learning, and so, as you feel called to certain things that you feel passionate about, we love this, because we know that each of you feel passionate about different things, and it is your experiences, it is the resonations that you have within of. I would really like to help here. Some of you love to help with animals. Some of you love to help with a certain group of your population. Some of you love to help with food or housing. All of it is welcome.
Speaker 1:None of you need to every single aspect of you of this, but as each of you choose what resonates with you, imagine the freedom not only that this brings within you and your soul, as you know that you are leaning into your soul growth and evolution even more, that you are bringing forward the purpose of your being, bringing meaning to your life. You are creating limitless possibilities within that energy, and so we love the energy of service and help and extending a hand to a fellow human wherever that feels resonant with you. And as you choose this and as each of you choose different things, all areas are covered. What we remind you and what we ask you is to try not to get into the energy of despair with how many things you may be thinking or seeing are wrong, but rise up and come into the energy of love and say what can I do with these hands, for example? What can I do with this moment of time? What can I do with this dollar?
Speaker 1:All of those beautiful things are beautiful ways that you will be serving your purpose, aligning with your purpose, feeling more meaning in your life and creating more freedom within your heart, within your soul. And you will know immediately when you are listening to your soul, because there is a feeling of that felt really good. I'm glad I was there in that moment to help. I am glad I was able or had that resource or that ability to help. You will feel those things and it will bring such open heart, such deep connection to your fellow humanity and to all living things on the planet.
Speaker 1:We love this energy, and we really want to encourage this within you. If you were to ask one question today, how can I be of help? We don't ask you to do this to your own detriment, to your own physical exhaustion. We know that your physicality has limitations and that you need balance within that. But if you were to ask that question and then see an opportunity where you could put something of your energy into such a beautiful place that it will go so much further than you can possibly imagine, that it will ripple out so much further than you can possibly imagine, that it will ripple out so much further than you possibly imagine, and so it is a beautiful way of walking in alignment with your higher vibrational frequency, energy with the universe, and that you will be bringing more good to the planet than you could possibly ever even know.
Speaker 2:Thank you. I wanted to ask about raising kids as a mom. The worry can creep in and the self-doubt and all those. I wanted to ask a question for the mothers raising children. How can we best do that? What do our children need most from us?
Speaker 1:This is a beautiful question. We are in the energy of the sacredness and the miraculous energy of one soul agreeing to be the conduit for birth onto the planet, for being a conduit of safety and security. There are many ways for people to be this energy, and we want to remind you that there are many ways for people to be family, as you have all well discovered. And so, in the energy of raising your children, you yourself are in a beautiful place in your life where your understanding of this has really shifted and changed. As you are going through your own metamorphosis of remembering your beautiful truth, of standing in your beautiful light, you are encouraging this in your children. We love the individuality of children in terms of the beautiful aspects that they bring forward, the beautiful characteristics that they bring forward and the curiosity that they bring forward, and in so many ways, the children are so in alignment with that, without any instruction, without any guidance, they are just naturally this way, and so we want to remind you also that there is as much learning that comes from children and tuning into the energy of children and observing them and remembering your childlike qualities and your childlike presence that still lives within you, and we would ask you, as parents of children, to remember this and to allow this part of you to be expressed as well In the raising of children. We feel that children bring forward some of the best qualities in humanity and on the planet, and we want to teach the things that you would consider like the social responsibilities, the maybe you call it the rules of the game, and that is important. But what we forget along the way is the children's individuality, like their beautiful characteristics and qualities that make them them, and we love to see the energy of oh, this child really excels in anything artistic. Then we really want to see encouragement within that. We really love when those qualities are nurtured and they are noticed and that they are brought forward and that they are encouraged. And you know so much of this job is keeping children safe, keeping you don't walk out onto a street without checking for the sign, the crosswalk sign, that will keep you safe. You check first before you step into something that they are learning and this is necessary. But sometimes within that the constraints can tighten and they can be too much and the individuality, the beautiful characteristics and qualities of each child can be forgotten or pressed aside for the agenda of another or the wants of another once of another, and it is a challenging balance to walk that to allow the child to be the child, to allow their beautiful characteristics and qualities to shine, to be acknowledged, to be loved to be not judged and encouraged, all while keeping in alignment with safety and security and manners behavior.
Speaker 1:When you find yourself feeling angry with a child, ask yourself what it is that you are needing in that moment, and perhaps there is a behavior that needs to be addressed, that needs to be looked at, that needs to be shifted, and that is okay. But if you are needing a child to behave a certain way to appease how you are feeling, you need to do some work within, and so these are things that we ask you to consider, to think about, is where is this energy from you coming? Because there may be an aspect of your inner child that needs healing as well, and could this be an opportunity for inner healing to come within your own self? This is a beautiful question to ask. How can you learn and grow with each other, how can you love and support one another in the best ways, and how can you grow and allow a child to be what is deeply within them.
Speaker 1:We are seeing on the planet right now many transformer type of energies where, for generations, there have been toxic generational patterns occurring, and it could be something like a serious addiction. It could be a form of abuse, it could be a form of verbal negativity, it could be in a form of how we view a body, how we view a body, how we speak to a body, and there are many children right now that are coming forward who are knowing that they need to shift or change this, and so something in their energy is saying no, this is not, this is not okay, this is not right, and they may be choosing something different. And we see this especially as children come into their older teen years and into their young adulthood that they are shifting and changing and doing things different than the generations that came before them. We love to see this, because this is energy that is moving in a direction of growth and learning and evolution, as opposed to stagnation. There are also on the planet right now many children who are at a loss and who have forgotten who they are and who are maybe unable to live in their homes or living even in the elements, in the outdoors, and this is not just the responsibility of one family per se. This is a culture, and these children are also waking up our culture as to what might we do differently, what could we maybe shift or change or address, what needs to be spoken to, what do we need to support one another with.
Speaker 1:This is the direction to go to be asking those questions of how can we do this better, how can we support our children better, what are our children in need of right now? There are qualities that absolutely will support a happy, healthy child growing into a beautiful, productive and insightful human, and that is the energy, of course, of love. It will always be love. It will always be love. It is the energy of courage, encouraging bravery. It is the energy of non-judgment. It is the energy of showing children how to be of service as well, showing children how also to create harmony, to give back, to help one another. Children thrive when they help others, when they can be seen in a light of being helpful.
Speaker 2:They love this energy. Thank you. I have another question. I think that when we return back to where we came from, when we die, that there's this potential for the life lived and if we are complacent or don't take risks, the gap of our potential when we pass, I'm looking for myself to close this gap and live to my greatest potential. How would you encourage people to do that?
Speaker 1:To want to live to your full potential, to want to live a life well lived, and that, when it is your turn to return back home, that you do so knowing that you gave it everything that you possibly could is all that we ask. We don't even ask. We encourage, because this is a beautiful way to approach your life. We want for you to take your life as a blessing and not for granted. We want you to value your life and the lives of those all around you. Also, we want you to lean into the joy more so than you do In so many ways. We watch as your lives feel busy and complicated and overwhelmed, and what we would encourage you to do is to come back to, sometimes, that inner childlikeness, that playfulness, but that when you can create greater balance in your life with the joy, with having fun, with taking time to take excellent care of yourself, to listen to your soul, to tune into those higher parts of your being, you will never be disappointed. You will never be feeling that you are not doing enough. Enough. What it may feel like is you want more. You want to experience more, go after more, see more, feel more, and we say this is the goal of expansion. This is absolutely the destination, and so we encourage you reach, expand, go further. If there's something that you want to try, we encourage you to try it. If there's something you want to do, we encourage you to take steps towards doing that. If there's something that you want to experience, we encourage you to take steps towards that, because, as you do, you actually create more in the universe of that energy. And so imagine if you were on the planet and each of you were reaching for things that made your heart happy, that made you feel joy, that made you feel excited, that made you feel I want more of that, that. That just ripples out like 100 fold every direction, and that we create more of that energy.
Speaker 1:It is different than coming from a place of we spoke earlier of climbing on the backs of another to get ahead. That is different energy entirely. This is the energy of joy, this is the energy of what makes you happy, what makes your face smile, what makes your heart smile. This is the energy of what makes you happy, what makes your face smile, what makes your heart smile. This is that energy, and we encourage that within you.
Speaker 1:And when you are moving that way, the possibilities are so limitless, they are endless, and so it is our invitation that we hope that you decide that you choose to have more fun.
Speaker 1:And it may not be associated with your bank account, it may not be associated with your worldly goods and amassing a great fortune, but what we know as the truth is that it does actually amass an incredible and a beautiful amount of energy within you that shifts and changes your focus of exactly what you need to a place of a lot more peace and a lot more perfection, even within your own eyes, of your world. And so our invitation to you is to seek the joy, to seek out the things that bring smile to your face, and so much peace will come from that that it will ripple out into all areas of your life and into your neighbors and into your community in such a way that it creates such a more beautiful harmony, and it is so much easier than you think. So our invitation is to remember it does not need to be complicated, maybe it just needs to be fun thank you.
Speaker 2:What do our loved ones that have passed most want their grieving people left behind to know?
Speaker 1:loved ones in heaven do not wish to see you grieve. They love to see you thrive. And for those of you who have just lost a loved one, maybe you are grieving a loved one from a passing a long time ago. We understand this. Your loved ones are just in a different form of their expression. They have not in any way, shape or form died. This is human words you give to an experience that you do not fully understand. And so, in the energy of this, it is simply a transition. This, it is simply a transition. And your loved ones wish to see you thrive. They wish to see you enjoying your life to the biggest capacity that you are capable of doing so. And then some, they love to see you in harmony with those around you. They love to see you enjoying nature. They love to see you not taking your own life for granted. They love to see you seeing the miracle of life. And if they in some way, shape or form, have contributed to that, they are so happy about that that they are so happy about that.
Speaker 1:And so it is the physical ness, the physical being that you miss of your loved ones. Yet their essence has not changed. It has not gone anywhere. It has lightened, in fact, and is always in connection with you. We would invite you to expand your mind, to consider that what you can be in connection with, in contact with, is not just the physicalness of anything, whether that be a person or an animal or a plant. It is the essence, it is the energy, and as you get to know your loved ones here on earth, we invite you to get to know their essence and their energy and to feel that energy and become familiar with it. And as you do this and you learn to tap into the energetic feel of people all around you.
Speaker 1:It is such an easy shift to make, to feel the energy of those loved ones who have transitioned into non-physical. They are not sad for their transition. They are grateful for their time on their earth journey, but they are not sad and they do not wish sadness for you either. What they wish is to bring people together, to remember and to tune into the magic and the miracle of life. The magic and the miracle of life and how blessed it can be, even on your hardest day, to be able to be on such a beautiful planet and to be able to have an opportunity to bring your light to the planet.
Speaker 1:We have known many people, many souls, who have been in a human body, bringing their light to the planet in even the most difficult circumstances. We see so many of you doing this right now, in your day, and we celebrate this in you. We celebrate this in your earthly journey, in your humanity, and we know that this is what is going to make your connection to everything that is outside of you, outside of your physicality, so much easier, so much brighter and so much more meaningful. You all desire this. Whether you voice it similarly or not doesn't matter. It is something that you all desire. Is there more? And we say to you oh my gosh, there is so much more. There's just so much more. Do not be afraid, be willing, be open and be love, and we are right there with you.
Speaker 2:Thank you. You referenced Earth's learning. Is there anything else you would like us to know regarding the evolution of our planet right now?
Speaker 1:planet right now, we want to offer to you that Earth is one of the youngest places. The planet Earth is one of the youngest places within our entire universe right now, and so there is a great deal of learning that is occurring here, and it is why so many of you want to be on this incredible and beautiful journey and why you've chosen the earth. You would have looked at it and said, wow, it's so beautiful and it is, and you would have wanted to come to bring that energy forward, and we celebrate this, we love this, and we want to encourage you to remember this. The learning that is happening on the earth right now is learning about polarities. It is learning about division, and you are moving in a trajectory that will eradicate this division and change the polarities so that there is less push-pull and that there is more harmony. Yet your patience with this feels tested, and there are so many of you who would like to see this shift or change or be different somehow right now and we say to you it is. Yet your focus may be directed in the wrong places, and so we ask you to focus instead on the harmony that you can create in your own relationships, within your own household, perhaps within your own neighborhood, within your own community, within your own self, and we ask you to remember, and we ask you to remember that your world is a reflection of what is going on on your insides. And so, as you remember this and you bring harmony and peace to any of the polarities and the divisions that are on your insides, and that you bring forward the energy of whatever it is that is needed for you to feel more in alignment with the peace and the love and the non-judgment that is non-physical, that you will be doing exactly your job. And this is what our invitation for all of you now is is yes, thank you.
Speaker 1:You are noticing the differences and the polarities and the pushes and the pulls. Heal them within you. Look within where those push-pulls are and look at the healing steps that are required for you, what needs to be acknowledged within you, what needs to come to peace within you. And as you do that, you don't need to worry about all of the push-pulls that are happening in the world, all of the polarities, theyulls that are happening in the world, all of the polarities. They will begin to heal and your eyes will begin to see it differently. You will begin to experience all of it differently.
Speaker 1:We know that this coming year on the planet will be a huge year for this, that there will be many people choosing to heal on a soul level, on a personal level, things that they are in need of healing of, and we are walking so closely beside each and every one of you encouraging this to happen. And so, as things come up in your day and you feel upset, you feel the dis-ease in that moment, the wishing it was different, bring it back into yourself. What do you need in this moment to feel better within you? What do you need acknowledged? What do you need to bring forward into the light to be healed?
Speaker 1:Nothing can be healed within the dark. We bring things forward into the light to be healed. Nothing can be healed within the dark. We bring things forward into the light by acknowledging them, and that is where the healing begins. And so, within you, what is required? And as you do this, you will bring healing to the planet and you will be setting in motion the trajectory that is already in play. Setting in motion the trajectory that is already in play where we get to this space, where you will see and experience more harmony, more peace, and we want to remind you also it is already so beautiful that we celebrate all of the differences already, that we celebrate all of the different cultures and societies and approaches and that we don't sit and say one is right and one is wrong, that you are all loved equally. And for those of you choosing to awaken, to come more deeply into the truth of your soul, we ask that the healing take place within, and then in your external world you will see through different eyes entirely.
Speaker 2:Yes, one last one. This question came from a friend Are mermaids real, have they ever been or will they be?
Speaker 1:We love this. How do we get creatures of our imagination? Because we have seen them in some aspect of our soul, in some aspect of being. Have there been places on your planet or within the universe where a? Um people reside within different aspects of being, within water, within all different kinds of elements? Yes, yes, and so can you see physically, mermaids in your physical aspect of being, where you are right now, on the planet. Maybe, maybe not. It's all up to you. What will you allow? How playful will you be? And when there are those of you who resonate with something over another, perhaps in your resonation you resonate with a dragon, you perhaps resonate with a dinosaur or a mermaid or a unicorn. What is the harm in this? Because we would ask you, where is the magic and what is it representing to you in terms of your own magic? And we would say create that, create that magic. We love the expansiveness, we love the imagination, we love the limitless possibilities, and that is what is encouraged within you in this lovely playful energy.
Speaker 2:Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, and now we'll return to michelle and let her go have a nap. Oh, michelle, anything else while you're still in the zone, or is your head's gonna explode?
Speaker 1:my head's a little bit itchy tingly is a feeling oh, it's so good.
Speaker 2:There's so much, haha, thank you.
Speaker 1:I'll be listening to this now.
Speaker 2:Let's walk together fiercely. Thank you for being here and spending your time with us today. We so appreciate you. If you'd like to support this podcast further, you can follow along on Instagram at walktogetherfiercely. You can share this episode with your loved ones and spread this beautiful message.
Speaker 2:Oh, my goodness, let that energy of this message soak into your body. There is a lot to digest and I will definitely be coming back around for another listen and a reminder. I would like to remind you that this energy is always all around you and we just need to ask it to be present, and I believe it's present even when we don't. But let's receive it as we walk forward in our life, as we carry on with our week. I'd like us to sync up to our breath just to finish, together with that groundedness.
Speaker 2:So, wherever you are, let's take a big breath into our body, breathing in that gratitude for this breath, this gratitude for being alive and this gratitude to be held by the universe, by spirit, and to Michelle for sharing this with us, because this was profound and I feel very grateful. So let's take another big breath in down to the base of our belly, feel our feet, feel our body resting and being held. And with that exhale, let's let go of anything heavy that we're carrying, knowing that we don't need to go at it alone. So let that heaviness leave us with our breath so we can carry on with light and love and joy.
Speaker 1:And so it is we would love for you to join us on our podcast page on instagram at walk together fiercely. Here we can chat, have community ask questions and lots of other extra information that you might not get on our podcast. For more information about us, you can find Dr Tara on Instagram at Dr Tara Drummond. For more information about me, Michelle, you can find me on Instagram at Michelle Morrison Medium. All other information about me is on my website, thebalancedsoulcom. This podcast is recorded by Michelle and Tara and is edited and arranged by Sammy Lucan.